Article 1 (Mission)
The Platform has been established to address a set of issues that are crucial to the advancement in development of higher education and research in the Region, promote European policy in higher education and research within the Region, encourage strategic debate on higher education issues which impact on its development and foster a collective Regional voice that is informed by a strategic and long-term vision.
The current focus of the Platform is to ensure substantial advances in quality of doctoral studies and doctoral degree across the Region, beyond the thresholds established by national quality assurance authorities. It is also aiming to create instruments for sharing best human resources and capital research equipment, including enhancement of exchange of doctoral students, postdoctoral students and staff.
Article 2 (Membership)
Currently, full members of the Regional Platform are founders of the Platform that provided formally signed letter of confirmation (11 universities and 6 higher education authorities) from the Region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia).
The Council of the Platform could make decision to invite a new member, thereafter “the candidate”, on the recommendation of the Executive Board of the Platform or on the initiative of minimum five members of the Platform. The full membership of a candidate is formally confirmed after provision of signed letter of accession confirmation.
Article 3 (Governance)
The Platform operates through the following three bodies: the Council, the Executive Board and the Advisory Board.
The Council
The Council of the Platform is responsible for pursuing of the strategic course of the Platform. It is comprised of the nominated representatives of all members of the Platform. The President and Vice-President chair the Council and represent Council in the Executive Board. The Vice-Presidents deputise for the President in his/her absence.
The Executive Board
The Executive Board of the Platform carry the legal and fiscal responsibility and acts as Platform’s collective voice, within the policies agreed by the Council. The Executive Board consists of five members: Chairperson of the Board, President of the Council, Vice-President of the Council, Coordinator of the Platform and Head of the Regional Office.
The Advisory Board
The Advisory Board provides assistance in the matters related to the policy issues. It comprises up to 15 representatives of international organisations, students’ international organizations, affiliated institutions and organisations and prominent international experts. The Advisory Board is chaired by the Coordinator of the Platform.
Article 4 (Regional Office)
The Regional Office of the Platform carries administrative tasks, maintains and audit records and prepares financial reports according to Croatian legislation, within the policies agreed by the Executive Board and the Council. The office will also provide assistance to the various Working and Task Force Groups established within the Platform.
Article 5 (Legal Entity)
The Platform is registered as a legal entity according to Croatian Law, with permanent Office in Dubrovnik, Don Frana Bulića 4.
* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
Regional Platform
Address: Don Frana Bulića 4, 20000 Dubrovnik
Phone: +385 (0)20 326 380
Platform as Unique Cooperative Format
Regional Platform is a unique format aiming to facilitate complex university-university, university-ministry, ministry-ministry benchmarking and cooperation across the Region.