Regional Pathfinder Working Group
for paving a path toward integrated implementation of the accreditation, qualification framework and recognition of qualifications
– a Regional Platform success story on promotion of European HE policy within the Region -
Communiqué of the Bucharest Ministerial Conference on EHEA (April 2012) committed participating countries to achieve a long-term goal of ‘automatic recognition
of comparable academic degrees’. In response to the conclusions of the Bucharest Conference, an initiative has been jointly launched by the Regional
Platform for Benchmarking and Cooperation and Slovenian member of the BFUG for Automatic Recognition, in order to set up a framework for cooperation
in the course of removal of obstacles for recognition of comparable qualifications.
At the Novi Sad inaugural meeting (June 2013), the Regional subgroup of the BFUG Pathfinder Group for Automatic Recognition has been established. The
follow up meeting in Dubrovnik hosted by the Regional Platform (27 September 2013) and meeting in Zagreb, hosted by the Croatian Ministry of Education,
Science and Sports (September 2014) provided opportunity for exchange of information and good practices in the Region, paving a path for integrated
implementation of the accreditation, qualification framework and recognition of qualifications.
Inaugural meeting of the Regional Pathfinder Group, Novi Sad, Serbia, 19-20 June, 2013
Joint meeting of EC and Regional Pathfinder Group, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27-28 September 2013
First meeting of BFUG Regional SEE Working Group on Recognition of Qualifications, Zagreb, Croatia, 22-23 September 2014
Regional Platform
Address: Don Frana Bulića 4, 20000 Dubrovnik
Phone: +385 (0)20 326 380
Platform as Unique Cooperative Format
Regional Platform is a unique format aiming to facilitate complex university-university, university-ministry, ministry-ministry benchmarking and cooperation across the Region.